Valencia Opinión Revista - Noticias de la Comunidad Valenciana y sus pueblos

"Muerte al Dictador", gritan hoy miles de manifestantes en IRÁN sin cámaras de TV ni apoyo occidental

Alicia Antolín

Desgarradores gritos exigiendo LIBERTAD en Irán, clamor popular que hubiera pasado desapercibido a no ser por el riesgo que está dispuesto a asumir el que ha realizado y difundido unas malísimas grabaciones en el Tf. móvil que son la única evidencia de lo que allí ahora ocurre. Un testimonio que pronto puede desaparecer de la RED:

Iran - Tehran 14 Feb 2011 - Enghelab street - Death to dictator

Y Occidente mira para otro lado como denuncia Pamela Geller:

"Obama was on the wrong side of history when the people of Iran took to the streets in June 2009 and met clubs, bullets, and batons with .....sheer will.

They have taken to the streets again. Will the media and Obama ignore them again? Last time, the only comprehensive coverage was here at Atlas and the Puff Ho.

IRAN: Protesters fill streets of Tehran by the thousands LA Times

Video clips (here) uploaded to the Internet are said to show crowds of protesters out in streets of the Iranian capital on the day the political opposition had called for a rally. The video clip above purportedly depicts crowds of students at a protest rally at Tehran"s Sharif University on Monday. Sources told Babylon & Beyond that the gathering at Sharif University started in the early afternoon and that protesters chanted anti-government slogans and Allah o Akbar--God is Great-- before members of the Basij militia arrived at the scene to disperse the crowds.

This video shows rally-goers are purportedly seen marching in the streets of Tehran while chanting anti-government slogans on Monday".

En Público encontramos: Oposición y policía se enfrentan en la manifestación de Teherán

"La policía iraní ha detenido durante cuatro horas al cónsul de España en Teherán, Ignacio Pérez Cambra"

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